PU Dawei

Degree Programs

Polytechnic University ( Dawei )

Polytechnic University (Dawei) makes an effort to produce qualified professionals who can support to build future nation with technology power.
The students who want to admit at Polytechnic University (Dawei) must be compatible with the following specified qualifications.

  • For engineering courses, male 60% and female 40% in total of (160) students and for computer science and computer technology 120 students and in total of 280 students will be admitted.
  • The duration of the course for engineering courses is 5 years and after the successful completion of the duration course, students will be graduated B.E degree directly.
  • The duration of the course for computer science and computer technology courses is 4 years and after the successful completion of the duration course, students will be graduated B.C.Sc. and B.C.Tech. degree directly.
The Students who meet the criteria will be awarded the following degrees in the specialized subjects.
  • For 5 years full time program
  • B.E (Civil) (Bachelor of Civil Engineering )

  • B.E (EC) (Bachelor of Electronic Engineering)

    • B.E (EP) (Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering)

    • B.E (Mech) (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering)

      • For 4 years full time program
      • B.C.Sc. (Bachelor of Computer Science)

      • B.C.Tech. (Bachelor of Computer Technology)

        • For One year full time program
        • D.C.Sc. (Diploma in Computer Science)