
PU Dawei


Polytechnic University

⸻ Pro-Rector


Dr. Yee Yee Soe is a Pro-rector of the Polytechnic University (Dawei), Myanmar. She graduated with B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics from Yangon University (YU), Myanmar in 2002. 

She also received M.S. (Engineering Physics) from Yangon Technological University (YTU), Myanmar in 2004. 

She had attended to Ph.D candidate in the 2nd Batch of Computer Hardware Technology (CHT) at University of Computer Studies, Mandalay (UCSM). 

She also received her Ph.D degree in Computer Hardware Technology (CHT) at the University of Computer Studies, Mandalay (UCSM), Myanmar in 2007 respectively. 

She has currently been a Pro-rector of the Polytechnic University (Dawei) in Tanintharyi Division. 

She manages both teaching and administrative for the University.

While she is teaching activities, she has written 6 papers in local and international journals.

Her papers are related to the areas of computer networking, computer architecture, and cryptography.

She is a member of the Ethical Research Committee (ERC) at Polytechnic University (Dawei).

She had attended to “Executive Level Official Management Course” (Phase 5) at Phaunggyi, in lower Myanmar.

She had attended “Basic Thai Language Training” during the (2024-2025) academic year at Polytechnic University (Dawei) in the Tanintharyi Division.

She had attended “Knowledge Sharing to Advanced Educational Management” online.

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